Official site of lugansk city council  
Luhansk Master Plan
Charter of Luhansk Territorial Community
Public Chamber under Luhansk City Council
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Appeals of Citizens

Центр административных услуг в Луганске









History of Luhansk

One can find a more ancient, rich and famous city in the world, but Luhansk is unique and inimitable in its own way due to the efforts of the city generation dwellers, living in our land, building the city along the Luhan River, due to those who worked and fought for a better life. Our city is a creation of our distant and close ancestors, the embodiment of our contemporaries' ideas.

The foundation of the city dates back to 1795 when Catherine II issued the Decree on the construction of ironworks near a small village Kam’yany Brid on the Luhan River.

Its construction was caused by the urgent need to strengthen the arms and the fortresses of the Black Sea Fleet and the coastlines, won by Russia after a series of Russian-Turkish wars. The development of the plant is linked to a number of prominent historical figures of the XVIII-XIX centuries: Russian Admiral Count Mykola Mordvynov, an engineer and statesman Mykhaylo Soymonov, a Scottish engineer Charles Gascoigne, engineers Yevgraf Kovalevsky, Gustav Hess de Calve, Apollo Mevius, and Ivan Thieme.

The plant had been constructed for 10 years. All necessary manpower was being supplied from some other state-owned plants in Russia. Hundreds of families moved from Lipetsk, Olonets and Kherson works. The state-owned settlements had been attributed to the plant. Luhansk plant became the first major steel plant in southern Russia. The first pig iron was produced at the plant in 1800, using coke in Russia for the first time. The plant supplied the Black Sea Fleet with the guns and shells. Luhansk guns were used during Borodino battle, defended the interests of Russia in the Crimean War. Military glory of Russia was cast at the plant in honor of its victory over the Swedes in 1709 and the French in 1812 and the monuments were raised in Poltava and Novgorod.

Originally Luhansk was being built without an officially approved plan. All vertical streets were called 'lines' and all horizontal ones had their names. The very first street of the city was called English (now Street of V.I. Dahl), which settled the British experts, invited to work at Luhansk foundry by the first chief K. Gascoigne. I.M. Dahl was invited to the plant as a doctor. A prominent anthropologist and the author of "Explanatory Dictionary of the Great Russian Language”, Volodymyr Ivanovych Dahl was born in 1801. To commemorate the place of his birth, V.I. Dahl took the literary nickname Luhansk Kozak. Later, there appeared such streets as Pochtova, Petersburg (now Lenin Street) Kazanska (now K. Marks Street).   Over a time Petersburg Street had become the central one.

In Luhansk there were more than 10 places of worship: Church of Assumption, St. Peter and Paul’s, Cathedral of St. Nicholas, Church of Transfiguration, Voznesenska, Trinity, Kazanska Churches, a synagogue, a catholic church and several houses of worship.

Unfortunately, almost all of these buildings were demolished in the 30s of the XX century. In Luhansk there used to be several educational institutions: state-owned and private gymnasiums, colleges, primary schools. A woman's Commercial College was opened at the beginning of the XX century.

In 1882 Luhansk in view of its economic level at the request of the local gentry and merchants was given the status of a district city. A City Council was housed in one of the best buildings of Kazanska Street (now here is the Municipal Museum of History and Culture of Luhansk).

In 1903 Luhansk as a county town was granted the Emblem. New factories and plants sprang up in the 70-80s of the XIX century in Luhansk. Cartridge plant and locomotive works owned by the German industrialist Hartmann turned to be the largest.

In 1898 there were already more than 30 industrial enterprises as well as many small artisan and craft workshops. At the end of the century Luhansk was connected with the central regions of Russia by means of two railway lines: Luhansk - Debaltseve and Luhansk – Millerove. Several banks emerged in the town. The largest was Azov-Don Bank. There were a few libraries, a cinema, some visiting theater companies. The beginning of the XX century was marked by the foundation of Mining and Commercial Club, Peoples’ Auditorium and a city park.

The XX century introduced its changes into the history of Luhansk.  It experienced a revolution, a tragic period of occupation in the Great Patriotic War. The post-war period took the years of reconstruction of the destroyed economy and the rapid development of industry.

In the 70-80s of the XX century Luhansk became the largest industrial center of Ukraine, the city with its national traditions and style of life. On January 5, 1970 Luhansk was renamed in Voroshilovgrad by the Decree of the USSR Supreme Soviet Presidium. On December 18, 1970 Luhansk was awarded the Order of October Revolution for its revolutionary achievements and successful fulfillment of the eighth Five-Year Plan, celebrating its 175th anniversary. The best workers of the city became honorary citizens and were awarded the title of a Socialist Labour Hero, some citizens got high government awards - a blacksmith Kurylo F.L. , a worker of the shoe association Yurkov S.G., a builder Oleksandrov G.I, Pedagogical Institute Professor Honcharenko M.G ., a teacher Aharkova M.R. and others.

On January 22, 1971 the workers and employees of the locomotive plant were awarded with the Order of the October Revolution. The workers of the locomotive plant produced the new locomotives model 2 T 10L, TE 109, 2 TE 116 of 6000 hp capacity. Other businesses of the city - the crankshafts factory, enameling plant, Voroshilovgrad Building Trust, Donetsk Railway Division also made ​​a significant contribution to the development of industry in the city and oblast.

A 100-day labour shift to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War was successfully completed (1975). Thousands of workers were working under the motto "Work for themselves and for those guys." Many working groups held the labour shifts in honor of the city-heroes.

Voroshilovgrad Higher Military Flight Navigators School celebrated thirty years of the pilot Nikolai Hastello's feat. A memorial plaque was installed on the School building with the inscription "The Hero of the Soviet Union N.F.Hastello studied here in 1932-1934 ". A monument to him was also opened on the territory of School.

Voroshilovgrad was growing and transforming due to its industrial development. The city stretched 18 km from southwest to northeast along the river Luhan. It expanded the capital construction. A large garment factory, new milk works, a complex locomotive assembly shop were additionally built. A large complex of housing and civil engineering was conducted in accordance with the master plan developed by the Ukrainian Hidrohrad. More than half of its volume was located in the hilly part of the city, on the site of one-story dwellings made of the local stone-marl. The living space in the city increased by almost 5 times compared to 1950s. By the beginning of 1976 the city housing stock had been 5,500 thousand square meters. The new comfortable flats were provided to almost 62% of the population of the city. The city population in the 70s numbered 466 000 people. The housing construction was also held on free territories of some large areas. The new blocks were named in honour of famous Luhansk citizens - Oleksiyev, Hayovyi, Dymytrov, Zhdanov, Shevchenko, Shcherbakov. The complex many-storied offices and houses rose on Heroes' Square of the Great Patriotic War, which had become the central area of ​​the city, including Demyokhin, Dzerzhinsky, Kotsyubynsky, Radyanska, Oboronna, Donetska 3ya streets, Lines 13,14,15 and others. A complex of high-rise buildings with a large self-service grocery store Voroshilovgradsky (now Absolute supermarket) became a decoration of the central city part. This construction is of original structure, designed by a local architect H.H.Holovchenko, fit well into the general architectural ensemble. Some fountains, catwalks on the man-made lake with an area of ​​more than 2.5 thousand square meters made a lovely view for Kotsyubynsky square.

Much had been done on the improvement of the city, the development of its public utilities. Radyanska Street, the main transport artery of the city with two ten-kilometer lanes, separated by green lawns, was reconstructed in 1971. The main routes were running along this multi-kilometer main line. In 1975 the length of the paved streets was 261 km. The city water supply network stretched as long as 452 km. The city was equipped with 500 km of gas pipelines, all major enterprises, cultural and social institutions, blocks of flats were provided with gas supply.

Transportation network was widely developing. In 1975, 67 trolleybuses were running on 4 lines of the total area 70.5 km. The city had 12 tram routes, connected by a circular line. The new railway station with a unique design was built in 1973. A stationary circus building was erected in 1971. An All-Union television contest «Hello, we are looking for talents!" was held in there. In 1972 the football team Zorya became the champion of the USSR. The volleyball team Iskra was the national champion in 1976. A bus terminal was opened on Oboronna Street. Soon the local history museum moved to a new building in Shevchenko Street.

In 1970s the youth of the city got all possibilities to acquire vocational education - about 14.5 thousand students studied in 11 technical schools and 26 000 ones were the students of 5 higher educational establishments. For example, in 1975 5 350 students were taught by 230 instructors employed at 6 faculties of the Pedagogical Institute.

The books of our writers F.Volny, S. Buhorkov, I. Nizovy, V.Titov were popular among the readers. V.Titov's novel "Death to All Luck," was published in many languages ​​of the USSR and in foreign countries. V.Titov won the Republican Youth and Taras Shevchenko State Prizes. A new tradition was born in October 1980. For the first time on October 12 a City Day was celebrated, dedicated to its 185th anniversary.

Thousands of people volunteered in cleaning up the city territories, working on the improvement of the place, its houses, streets and factory areas. For the successful fulfillment of the plan in 1980 and a 10-year plan the city was awarded a transitional Red Banner of the CPSU, the USSR Council of Ministers, Trade Unions and the Komsomol Central Committee.

In 1980 the production association Voroshilovgradteplovoz was awarded the International Prize "Golden Mercury".  The locomotive plant workers produced the 40 000th locomotive during the period of the Soviet power. The products of Voroshilovgrad enterprises were exported to 50 countries of the world.
In the following years of 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, the city workers came out the winners of All-Union socialist competitions for early fulfillment of the plan of socio-economic development.

In the 80 years the reconstruction of the central part of the town continued.  More modern administrative and residential buildings were built at that time. There appeared some new changes of the Square of Revolution Fighters, was opened a new children's park named after N.A .Shchors with an auto attraction (1980). On February 3-4, 1981 there was an inauguration of a monument to the Hero of the Soviet Union, Hero of Socialist Labor Voroshilov K. Y. as well as a memorial museum on Karl Marks Street 30. On November 10, 1981 a monument to the writer and lexicographer Volodymyr Dahl was opened on the street named in his honour. 

1981 marked the launching of the regional clinics servicing 800 patients a day. The largest Children's Hospital opened its doors to the small patients in 1984 on Oboronna Street. In 1985, on May 8 in honor of the 40th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War an obelisk was erected on Victory Square. An intensive residential construction was in full swing on the town outskirts.

 A new regional hospital campus grew up in the neighbourhood of modern academic buildings of Voroshilovgrad Medical Institute. To improve the educational work with children, the city community opened 15 youth clubs, 73 clubs of the military-patriotic education, and three stations of young technicians, built 8 playgrounds.

Voroshilovgrad was truly considered the big sports town. 
In 1980 volleyball players V.Krivov and F.Lashchyonov became champions of the XXII Olympic Games in Moscow. The runner Vladykina Olha won the international competition "Druzhba-84" in 4x400 meters relay race, Yuri Serhiyenko became a European champion in junior high jumping in 1984.

In the 80s a world-famous Luhansk chess player G.Kuzmin received the title of the first official world champion in chess problems development based on retro analyses. The world's first parachutist Valentyna Zakoretska made seven thousand parachute jumps; her name was registered in the Guinness Book of Records.

The second half of the 80s was marked by the crisis of the socialist system. 
In 1986-1987 the first independent and informal organizations were emerging in Luhansk. University debate clubs turned to be some forms of this movement. A Committee of Perestroyka and the Association of Young Historians were active in Luhansk Pedagogical Institute, the club "Dialogue” was having its regular sessions at the engineering institute. A wave of unauthorized meetings and gatherings of citizens rolled up in Luhansk and other cities of the region in 1988-1989. People were discussing issues of the situation in the country and the region.  In December 1989 Luhansk Historical and Educational Society "Memorial" was founded on the wave of a new round of debunking the personality cult of Stalin and his supporters to draw the attention of people to the "white spots" in the national history. 
A self-published political-military magazine "Chorny Kvadrat” (“Black Square") had been in circulation since August 1989.

Miners' strikes were a new phenomenon in summer of 1989. On July 18, 1989, 41 mines out of 93 ones did not work, 27 thousand miners were on strike. 
Along the economic also came political demands. Miners' strikes had led to significant economic losses; they rocked and shook the foundation of the existing system.  As an outcome of these events Voroshilovgrad was renamed in Luhansk (its historic name) on April 4, 1990.  

The beginning of 1990 was marked by some new developments in social and political life. For the first time in Luhansk oblast the three political parties - the People's Rukh of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Republican Party, and Ukrainian Party of Democratic Platform had been formed by the mid-year. On August 1991 a Special Session of the USSR Supreme Soviet adopted the Act proclaiming the independence of Ukraine. On December 1, 1991 the decision of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine was confirmed at All-Ukrainian referendum.
These events needed serious reforms of Ukrainian economy - its structure restoration, denationalization and privatization of enterprises, the elimination of one-sided focus on heavy industry and the reconfiguration of production to meet the social needs of the population of Luhansk and its oblast. Of course, all these changes caused a period of economic hardships. The consequences of the crisis for the economic complex of the region were devastating. Particularly significant was the decline in mechanical engineering, metalworking, power generation, industrial construction and light industry. Yet it is in our region a program of socio-economic development "Luhansk - 2010" has been worked out for 10 years having no analogues in Ukraine.

Since 1999 the renewed industrial production growth has taken off.  Among the companies showing a revival of the former economic power in the city are JSC Luhansk Pipe Plant, JSC Luhansk Chemical-Pharmaceutical Plant and other enterprises. Significant contributions to the economic recovery have been made by small businesses.

Further stabilization in industrial production has yielded positive results and indicators on the example of Luhansk.  Industrial production growth rate in the city has increased substantially: in 2002 - to 106.7%, in 2003 - 114.7% at 108% of the planned target. By 2010, more than 130 industrial enterprises produced a variety of products. Electric power industry, ferrous metallurgy, machine building and metalworking have the highest share in the structure of industries. The most significant enterprises in the city are PS Luhanskteplovoz, Luhansk Parkhomenko Machine-Building Plant, JSC Casting and Mechanical Plant, Thermo etc. Coal is being mined by Luhanskvuhillya.

Light industry is represented by Luhansk sewing company Gloria Jeans, JSC Textile Company Lutri, JSC Luhan, JSC Luhanskmlyn ​​- Ukraine's largest producer of cereals, flour and fodders. The products of this company is very popular not only in the oblast, it is exported to Russia, Belarus, Belgium, Germany and Israel. Other main exporters are PJSC Luhanskteplovoz, JSC Thermo, CJSC Gloria Jeans, CJSC Luhansk Distillery Luga-Nova, JSC Luhanskmlyn.  
On the threshold of the second decade of the 21st century socio-economic development of the Luhansk region largely depends on the economic growth of the oblast center. According to statistical indicators the city takes a number of some leading positions. For example, the city is a home to one fifth of the population of the oblast and produces a similar proportion of industrial products. It carries out 440 types of economic activity out of 600 ones in Ukraine.

Luhansk concentrates the research capacity and training of professionals for many industrial structures in the region. Actually graduates of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University are working in the sphere of their technical professions in almost every country of Europe and Asia. In the national rating of "100 Best Companies" in the image program «Leaders of the XXI Century" the University has received the international prize "European Quality".

Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National Pedagogical University has become a recognized leader in comprehensive and cultural sphere of Ukraine.  Diplomas and professionalism of its graduates are recognized not only at home but also in Europe and North America. In 2000 it was the only the only institution among all schools participating in the 7th International open rating of popularity and quality of goods and services "Golden Formula" and won in two nominations for its contribution in the development of pedagogical science and as the best regional University in Ukraine. In 2002, the 9th International Academic Open Rating marked the achievements of the University staff with a silver stele and a diploma for the training quality in the 3d millennium. At the 4th Kiev International Exhibition - Fair "Knizhkovy Svit -2002" the University publishing house "Alma Mater" took the first prize in the competition "Knizhkovy Dyvosvіt of Ukraine" in the category "The Best Electronic Publishing" and was awarded the silver prize "Srіbny Nestor - Lіtopysets."

In the early of the 3rd millennium for the first time in the history of Luhansk oblast the coordinating council of the regional offices of NAS of Ukraine has been created that has opened up prospects for the development of fundamental science and the solution of some urgent problems in economic development.

Ukraine's independence has also changed the conditions of city’s cultural development. Culture has been regarded as an essential element of the national revival. All-Ukrainian Shevchenko Festival "V sіm'ї volnіy, novіy" has become a bright holiday in the cultural life of the region and the city. A monument to Taras Shevchenko was set in the city center on May 22, 1998.
Since 1998 there has been held the International Contest for pianists and singers “Holy Music” in Luhansk. The annual international folk-song festival "Slobozhansky Spas" has also got public recognition. 
The Institute of Culture and Arts as a branch of Taras Shevchenko National Pedagogical University was opened in 2000.  Luhansk State Institute of Culture and Arts was also opened in 2002. Both establishments train skilled workers in culture. For the first time in Luhansk the opera by Hulak-Artemovsky "Zaporozhets beyond the Danube" was presented on modern Luhansk stage. The performance was produced by the students of the Institute of Culture and the Arts of the Pedagogical University, and the students of Luhansk State Institute of Culture and Arts (LDIKM) staged the opera of "Romeo and Juliet" the first night of which was a great success.  
Finally the stage of Ukrainian Music and Drama Theatre was opened on which actors are producing plays and world masterpieces in the Ukrainian language for their viewers. Now in Luhansk there are 3 academic theaters, a philharmonic society, a circus, five state museums, 25 cultural centers and clubs, some exhibition halls, 28 libraries.

New type of schools, gymnasiums and lyceums, as well as the increased number of Ukrainian schools and schools with classes of the Ukrainian language learning have been opened in the oblast center. 
Currently, the city has five universities of 3-4 accreditation level , 9 colleges of 1-2 levels, 67 secondary schools, a network of private schools, over 50 pre-schools, 12 non-school institutions, 4 youth sports schools, 4 Children's and Youth art centers.

Notable changes are outlined in health care services. In 2012 by order of Luhansk Mayor Serhiy Kravchenko the Department for Public Health in Luhansk City Council has drafted a program of innovation development of the city health care system by the year 2015.  The aim is to reorganize and build modern health care service that meets the needs of the population. Presently, Luhansk numbers 47 hospitals and two resort homes. In November 2011, City Hospital # 7 was opened in Luhansk. After the reconstruction it has become a major multi-hospital center. All of these fit into the health reform programme of Luhansk.

The modern pharmaceutical company "Pharmacy" with its 328 pharmacies, three pharmacy warehouses and a Pharmaceutical Factory is not conceding on quality indicators and the technical equipment with some leading foreign companies in the world.  The range of "Pharmacy" is about 600 kinds of medicines, medical devices, and health care items. In 2002, the company "Pharmacy" was announced Laureate for the production of high quality competitive products and got the Diploma "High Grade".

Luhansk City Council pays special attention to social issues and problems of citizens, working closely with more than 20 NGOs.

International ties of the city are expanding; there is a close co-operation in various sectors of the economy with the cities of Lublin (Poland), Vasbora (Sweden), with many cities of Russia and other foreign countries. The city is visited by numerous foreign delegations in order to establish friendships and partnerships in all sectors of the developing modern Luhansk, populated by about 431 000 people. 

The city is multinational. The most numerous nationalities are Ukrainians, Russians, Armenians and Jews. Thus, Luhansk plays an important role in solving the problems of progressive economic development, social sector areas. In this regard, the first Investment Forum held on November 18-19, 2010 was an extremely important event not only in the region but also throughout the country. The forum was attended by representatives of business circles from 17 countries. The number of the participants was about 240 people. The forum was aimed to sign a number of significant investment relations, they were important for various areas of industrial and agricultural complex. Effectively conducted Luhansk Investment Forum has given reason to declare plans for the future.

Modern Luhansk is transportation, industrial and scientific center in the East; it is the city going towards the future. Administrative and territorial center of Luhansk region is rightly called the gateway to eastern Ukraine.

The city is located in an area of ​​286 square kilometers. It is a home to nearly half a million people.

On the territory of the regional center one can get the higher education in 15 schools of I-IV level of accreditation with more than 86.7 thousand students. Scientific and technical developments are carried out by 32 scientific organizations. 39,000 students are enrolled in 73 secondary schools, in 61 pre-school institutions attended by more than 10.7 thousand children.

Each year the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine awards honorary titles to universities of Luhansk for innovative projects. In 2007 Luhansk National Pedagogical University was awarded a gold medal for "Innovation in Higher Education." For the second year in a row an honorary title of "Leader of Modern Education," is granted to Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University.

Medical care is provided by 27 medical institutions of communal property, running an extensive network of private medical institutions.

Our city has two-hundred-year old rich historical traditions, which are reflected in a large number of architectural and historical monuments. In Luhansk there are three theaters, a philharmonic society, cultural centers, museums, libraries for adults and children, and the only municipal orchestra in Ukraine.

Modern economy of the city is determined by the industry having a multi-branch structure. The basis of today's industry complex is about 140 large and medium-sized industrial enterprises with annual sales over one billion U.S. dollars. All in all, the territory of Luhansk has more than 10 000 enterprises of different ownership forms. The city has the largest locomotive plant, foundry-mechanical and pipe mills in Ukraine.

Light industry is represented by the companies Gloria Jeans and CJSC Luhansk Textile Company Lutri. High quality products of JSC AVK Confectionery Factory are very popular in Ukraine and abroad. Luhansk meat and sausage products brand CJSC Luhansk Delicacies, Luhansk meat and cereal products of Luhanskmlyn, alcoholic beverages of CJSC Luhansk Distillery Luga-Nova are in constant demand with the buyers.

Construction is carried out by more than 100 construction companies that do a third volume of construction in Luhansk oblast. Transport facilities annually are delivering more than one million tons of cargo and 130 million passengers.

Luhansk is connected with many cities of Ukraine and Russia by road, rail and air transport networks. Railway transport is presented by Luhansk branch of Donetsk railway system and the railway station of Luhansk is one of the best in Ukraine. In Luhansk the largest transport companies are international freight transport TransPele and LAA-TRANS.

Residents of the city and its visitors willingly buy goods in supermarkets Absolute, Leleka and company stores of Luhansk Delicacies and Karavay.

Luhansk exports metal, plastics, garments and textiles, pharmaceuticals, engineering products, food products.

The city is developing its economic potential in close contact with many regions of the CIS and foreign countries. It supports trade and economic relations with more than 50 countries. There are 9 twinned cities: Cardiff (UK), Lublin (Poland), Pernik (Bulgaria), Szekesfehervar (Hungary), Saint-Etienne (France), Da-Qing (China), Poti (Georgia), Vansbro (Sweden ) and Rostov-on-Don (Russia).

Export contracts are fulfilled by more than 200 subjects of management of the city, their total average volume is 230-250 million U.S. dollars a year.

Recently the creation of new businesses, focused on modern market conditions of economic variables and the development of high technologies, have been significantly activated. This is largely contributed to attracting both domestic and foreign investments, the annual volume of which is about 20 million U.S. dollars. The largest volume of investments is in such countries as Hungary, Britain, Cyprus, Luxembourg, Poland, Switzerland and Israel. Investment projects are implemented by 45 enterprises in the city. The most successful and mutually beneficial business partners working with foreign companies are Gloria Jeans Ukraine-British joint venture, Britannica, SPC Transmash LLC Avtomotozapchastyna, JSC LugTsentroKuz, JSC Steel, CJSC Luhansk Foundry Mechanical Plant, JSC Luhansk Pipe Plant and others.

Luhansk has a well-developed financial infrastructure with more than 30 banks and bank branches, including regional banks, PJSC Ukrainian Communal Bank and East Industrial Commercial Bank.

But not only industry and labour makes the city glorious. The city has some creative unions of writers, artists, architects and journalists.

Luhansk is known by the works of its famous writers B.Horbatov, N. Ulenin, J. Cherkassky, V. Sosyura, P. Besposhadny, M. Matusovsky, sculptors N. Chumak, N. Mozhayev, A. Redkyn.

Luhansk has always been a sports city. 54 Luhansk citizens represented our city at eleven Olympic Games. They won 12 gold, 10 silver and 13 bronze medals.

Golden Pages in the annals of sports have been entered by Luhansk Olympic champions Mykola Chuzhikov, Volodymyr Belyaev, Anatoly Chukanov, Fedir Lashchyonov, Olha and Viktor Bryzgins, Oleh Kucherenko, Hrehory Misyutin, Ihor Korobchynsky and by other talented athletes. Achievements of Valentyna Zakoretska have been registered in the Guinness Book of Records; she was the only woman in the world that had carried more than 11,000 parachute jumps.

Luhansk citizens honour the memory of their countrymen. Memorable moments of history are reflected in the works of architecture, in dozens of monuments and sites, landscape arts.

Luhansk City Council and its executive agencies focus their activities on the development of the economic potential of the city, which could provide a new level of the life standard, as well as the development of cultural, social and cultural activities, preservation and increase of labour and the historical traditions of Luhansk.



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