Official site of lugansk city council  
Luhansk Master Plan
Charter of Luhansk Territorial Community
Public Chamber under Luhansk City Council
Our city
Appeals of Citizens

Центр административных услуг в Луганске









Maryna Vorotnykova

 Supervises activity of:

  1. Luhansk City Council Administration for Education (new name from the date of state registration of corresponding changes to its constituent documents – Luhansk City Council Department for Education);
  2. Luhansk City Council Department for Family and Youth;
  3. Luhansk City Council Administration for Labor and Social Protection of Citizens (new name from the date of state registration of corresponding changes to its constituent documents – Luhansk City Council Department for Labor and Social Protection of Citizens);
  4. Luhansk City Council Administration for Public Health;
  5. Enterprises, institutions and organizations that are in municipal ownership of the territorial community of Luhansk:
  • Municipal Public Utility Company Pokolinnia;

  • General educational institutions, preschools and out-of-school educational institutions;

  • Lugansk Municipal Public Training and Recreation Complex for Children and Youth Yunost;

  • Public Utility Company Luhansk Municipal Center for Social Services for Family, Children and Youth;

  • Public Utility Company Luhansk Municipal Territorial Center for Social Services (providing social services);

  • Public Utility Company Luhansk Municipal Center for Social Rehabilitation of Disabled Children

  • Public Utility Company Luhansk Municipal Center for Reintegration of Homeless People;

  • Luhansk Municipal Public Utility Company Pharmaceutical Utility;

  • Public Utility Company Luhansk Municipal Self-Supporting Policlinic;

  • Luhansk Municipal Pathoanatomical Bureau (till discontinuation of activities);

  • Health facilities that are in municipal ownership of the territorial community of Luhansk;

 Provides interaction of executive bodies of the Luhansk City Council with:

  1. City non-governmental organizations of war veterans, Afghan-soldiers, Chernobyl, disabled people, multi-child family, women, deaf, blind and other non-governmental organizations, members of which are representatives of vulnerable social groups; organizations of Red Cross Society, bodies of Social Protection Fund of Disabled People of Ukraine;
  2. Pension Fund Bodies of Ukraine;
  3. Executive Boards of Luhansk Regional Branch of Social Insurance Fund on Temporary Disability;
  4. Executive Boards of Luhansk Regional Branch of Social Insurance Fund on Industrial Injury Insurance and Occupational Diseases of Ukraine;
  5. Branch of National Service of Mediation and Conciliation in Luhansk Region;
  6. Bodies of Sanitary-Epidemiological Service situated on the territory of Luhansk City;
  7. Luhansk Municipal Employment Center;
  8. Permanent Commission of Luhansk City Council of the Sixth Convocation on Social Protection of Citizens, Education, Public Health, Culture, Physical Training, Sport and Youth Policy;
  9. Is a head of commissions, groups, etc., which are launched by Luhansk City Council, its Executive Committee or Mayor of Luhansk.  


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