Official site of lugansk city council  
Luhansk Master Plan
Charter of Luhansk Territorial Community
Public Chamber under Luhansk City Council
Our city
Appeals of Citizens

Центр административных услуг в Луганске









Antonina Kuzmenko

Supervises activity of:

  1. Luhansk City Council Administrative Department;
  2. Luhansk City Council Department for Record Services and Archives;
  3. Luhansk City Council Administration for Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship;
  4. Luhansk City Council Administration for Land Use;
  5. Enterprises and institutions that are in municipal ownership of the territorial community of Luhansk:
    • Luhansk Municipal Public Self-Supporting Organization Dining Klen (till discontinuation of activities);
    • Luhansk Public Utility Company of Land Use Planning.

Provides interaction of executive bodies of the Luhansk City Council with:

  1. Executive authorities bodies of land use;
  2. Monitoring and auditing bodies;
  3. Bodies of state treasury of Ukraine;
  4. Bodies on regulatory policy and entrepreneurship in Luhansk oblast;
  5. Luhansk Oblast Charity Foundation Blagovist;
  6. Permanent Commission of Luhansk City Council of the Sixth Convocation on Land Regulation, Ecology and Environmental Protection;
  7. Is a head of commissions, groups, etc., which are established by Luhansk City Council, Executive Committee or Luhansk City Mayor.


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